"I've Never Been Reassured That It's Ok To Keep Moving..."

A new member said something to me yesterday that really struck me....

"I've never been reassured that it's ok to keep moving..."

She had been learning Single Leg Kick and let me know that the back of her knee was hurting with the knee flexion.

She told me that in the past when this happened the reaction from her Pilates and fitness instructors had been...

"Stop doing it"
"Let's skip over it"
"That's bad for YOUR knees then, avoid it"

But that's not our approach to movement here at AOK Keep Moving.

We got curious.

I asked her explore....

- Did the orientation of her femurs (thigh bones) make a difference? Turned in, parallel or turned out?
- Which PART of the movement did the pain happen in? 

She discovered that the femur position didn't make much difference, but there was a clear angle of knee flexion that was painful...

So we kept doing the moves, just avoiding the painful spot. 

We also flipped onto our back and did some hip bridges at different angles of knee flexion (often called hamstring bridges) getting curious about discovering the limits of current tolerance. 

And the knee felt different after that.

Not pain-free...but a new experience.

One that felt empowering...she said "for the first time it feels like there's a possibility that it could change". 

and THAT is exactly what we want to give our people....

The belief that you can change...it might not happen today, or tomorrow....but you can get curious TODAY and start having a different experience.



Can we let some of our movement “rules” go?


"This Hurts My Neck"....How To Reframe This Common Complaint